Layout of the book

Moving Image

As the collection of images I have is eclectic, but are all self portraits and fit into the theme of constructed realities, it was important to work on editing them down and laying them out. I started out with the photos I considered lighter, through to ending with the darker ones.

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Screen Shot 2020-03-30 at 17.11.15The first photos I paired were two sets of self portraits. The colour tones and palates are similar, and the direction of the photos is mirrored in both sets. I kept the images equal size as they are compositionally so different, and this allowed them to flow as a sequence.

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Screen Shot 2020-03-30 at 17.20.14Screen Shot 2020-03-30 at 17.20.23I chose to pair together my 35mm beach photos with my fake beach set VHS images. When taking the VHS self-portraits I wanted to create a surreal and absurd scene, as the set is made of coloured fabric, and every element is exaggerated. This contrasts with the ethereal dream-like quality of the 35mm photos, and the viewer creates a narrative between the two. On the first spread I paired the images together as the horizon line and cliffs mirrored the lines of the body. As the colours are brighter it looked more effective to leave space around the images.

Screen Shot 2020-03-30 at 17.37.03I chose to make the image on the left fill over the page as I felt it was a strong photo, filled with emotion, and was more effective larger scale. I paired the image on the left with it, as the tones and colours are very similar, but left it smaller, as to not overpower the first image.

Screen Shot 2020-03-30 at 17.37.13I cropped these images to just the figure, this helps them flow as a sequence when placed together. I experimented with many of the images from this shoot, and decided on these as they moved best as one continuous action.

Screen Shot 2020-03-30 at 17.37.22As this image is very dark toned it appeared clearer over a double page spread. I tried positioning it in the centre, but found the composition worked better at the top, as it gives the lighter parts of the images room at the bottom.

Screen Shot 2020-03-30 at 17.37.30The tones of dark with highlights linked these images together, as well as this section of the book. The final image is lighter, and I left room for it to breathe, as it is the last one in the book. I think the simplicity of it works well.

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