Evaluation + Final Book Layout

Moving Image

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Originally for Constructed Realities I had been planning out a series of 1940’s crime scene photographs. The research on my blog reflects this, and there is a disconnect between this and my final work. Due to the unforeseen circumstances of lockdown I was unable to create work with the models and equipment originally planned. In retrospect if I had began the shooting process earlier in my project, even with more experiments, I would have more work to play with. As this unit required a book designing element, I chose to create a narrative through recent, personal work. Paying particular focus to cutting the number of photos down into an order that flowed as a sequence, as well as on the layout. I feel this has been successful, as I experimented with ordering and sizing the images to create balance where tonally they may contrast or clash (Specifically for the beach photographs). I included a lot of first hand research of photography books, and was especially influenced by the layout of Todd Hido’s book. I feel the key at the back of the book is very successful, rather than having that information next to the photos, as I wanted to leave them space to breathe. The quote in the introduction ties the strangeness of the images together, to reflect this I added fake dates to the index (based on what particular media or style inspired the work). I wanted to keep the text simplistic, but be thought out, and I feel this works well. Going forward I plan to start shooting, even if just experiments, earlier in the process, as I did not get the development of my project I could have, even despite the circumstances.