Website Design Research

Individual Project

Anja Niemi

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Anja Niemi uses a simple front page, with a single image, clear links to each page, and her name. I think this works effectively in its’ simplicity. Her work is then split into sections in a menu on the left hand side, and the user is able to scroll through the images individually. This allows you to view them larger, and in more detail, than other sites with a grid layout.


Latex Lucifer

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Photographer Latex Lucifer’s website has a very simple layout, with no individual sections of work. The grid layout allows the viewer to view his work as a whole, as well as individually when clicked on.

Juno Calypso

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Juno Calypso breaks her work into sections, using a scrolling layout, without cropping any images in the process. She also includes a video page in her website, as well as pages for interviews, press, news, as well as an about page and a contact page.

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