Individual Project

Individual Project

During the country’s lockdown it felt important to keep an element of routine, so I have spent an hour everyday learning to roller skate. I therefore decided to base my project around it, in this strange time.

As there are connotations of the 1970’s and 80’s with roller skating, I decided to use Polaroid. This made it challenging to take self-portraits, as I could not get the variety of angles and shots that I could have got from a camera with self-timer. I matched my outfit (a vintage tracksuit), and makeup to the skates. The film in my camera had been left in the heat, which lightened the photos more than I was expecting, however the pink hues match the themes, and made them more successful.

For my final edit I plan to include the collage shot of all the Polaroids, as the format of them looks great as a physical object. For the others I think the ones with the railing behind are more interesting compositionally, as well as one taken upwards, and the one on the third row on the toe stops. I would like to include a variety, so there isn’t repetition, as I have a limited number to choose.


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